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Thanks for visiting my gaming design site. Those familiar with Relative Range will note that I’ve changed my focus from selling desktop published (DTP) games to the actual job of designing them. I’ve found over the past couple of years that the two are not compatible and that it’s best that I focus more on the creation process than that of distribution.


Within this site you’ll still find means to review and purchase my designs, but the main focus is to provide support materials to keep my designs fresh and (hopefully) on your table.

My Published Games: This menu includes access to content on my games that either have been published and available for purchase (although some may be out of print) as well as those that are available for pre-order or are otherwise ready for production. These latter titles are indicated by an asterisk (*) next to their names.

On the Design Table: This menu includes a listing of games that I'm currently (although not necessarily actively) working on. Hopefully they'll be moving over the the published list soon!

Other Game Support: These are games from other designers that I particularly enjoy and for which I've created supplemental materials to enhance that enjoyment. Enjoy!

Software Development: In my spare time (a commodity that seems to shrink every day), I've been fiddling with XOJO design. XOJO is a multi-platform development application similar to Visual Basic, but with a far superior IDE (IMHO). Here's where I'll be making those designs available.

I hope you enjoy what you find here and that it furthers your enjoyment of my designs.


Thanks for visiting!


Mike Nagel

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What is Relative Range?

The term "Relative Range" is derived from Up Front - the Squad Leader Card Game, published by The Avalon Hill Game Company back in the early 80's. Up Front is arguably one of the most accurate simulations of WWII infantry combat ever released, owing to its innovative use of a card deck to provide battlefield chaos and "fog-of-war." Like the actual combatants, players have to make the best of limited intelligence and resources, and hopefully survive the situation at hand.


After playing the game several dozen times (and having since played several hundred times) I was so taken with its flexibility and intensity, that I started to design my own scenarios and variants. These additions eventually led to the publication of a quarterly newsletter: Relative Range. The newsletter managed to survive through ten issues before fading for lack of material.


Over the years since its passing, I've kept the experience close and have hoped for an opportunity to resurrect my efforts. This web site is the result of many months of rolling ideas around my fevered brain, and eventually focusing them into a concerted effort to organize my personal game support projects.

Links of Interest

Social Network and Design Blog Site

Compass Games

GMT Games

Legion Wargames

Worthington Publishing

My LinkedIn Profile

Support Relative Range

As the old adage goes, "to make a small fortune in game design, start with a big one." Getting a game design from my head and into your hands takes a few bucks, given the cost of consumables to create playtest components as well as maintain the content found here on this site. I can surely use your help in keeping the lights on during the leaner times. If you can toss a few bucks my way by clicking the button below, I would surely appreciate it. Thanks!

Last Update: October, 2021 | © 2021 by Mike Nagel

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